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Еnergy efficient prefabricated houses built with SIP panels

Low-rise building is a long ago classic in North America and Europe. Nowadays it has revived again along with the energy saving attempts. Most of the population of the developed countries chooses the energy efficient houses built from frame and wooden material.


The panel constructions (with wooden material) are intensively used in our country because they are unbelievably warm in winter and last but not least – ecological and durable. The unique function for saving energy , is due to the fact that most of the building outside layer (walls, floors and roofs) is high efficient insulation.



What materials are used?

The materials used in the construction are variable. Since the 90s the SIP construction increases to 30%. The technology makes them relatively cheap and suitable for quick construction of modern, high  energy efficient and stylish home. Our site is dedicated exactly on this technology and more specifically on its application in building individual houses. The panel houses are prefabricated edifices that constructively taken are к4 times stronger than wooden structure. Typically here are used only two basic materials – oriented strand board (OSB) and expanded polystyrene (EPS).



Thermal conductivity

The different structural materials stop the warmth transition from inside to outside. The indicator that qualifies the materials for that matter is the thermal conductivity λ, measured in W/(m.K). It shows the quantity warmth that passes for 1 second through 1 m2 of the material with thickness 1 meter and with temperature difference of 1K (Kelvin).


The smaller is lambda λ for a certain material, the better insulation property it has. Materials with thermal conductivity lower than 0.25 W/m.K are regarded as thermal insulating. Insulation materials – mineral fiber – are made of volcanic rock and more often are called stone wool. They have unique qualities: thermal insulation, fire-proof, water-proof, sound absorption, stableness of the dimensions. Unlike the other insulation materials, the stone wool is steam permeable, easy to assemble and work with. Its thermal conductivity varies from 0.045-0.055 W/m.K. respectively for light and heavy mineral fiber. The fibers of the stone wool are unburnable. They can stand more than 1000 °С without melting. Impregnated mineral fiber is hydrophobic though it is also foamed. It absorbs water only in cases when the water passes through under pressure. After the pressure stops, water evaporates; the material dries out and returns its initial isolation qualities. The special structure of the fibers in the stone wool guarantees the high mechanical strength of the material.


Download the chart with the Thermal conductivity of different materials



Speaking of OSB (oriented strand board) we are talking about flat rectangular chips with dimensions up to 1.80 mm and thickness 0.6 mm. It is organized in 3 layers and is pressed under high temperature and pressure. Contemporary adhesives and mucilage are used. They don’t contain noxious substances (for example phenol-formaldehyde). Very important issue when choosing OSB planks for producing SIP panel is the low quantity adhesive which after a month of pressing finally polymerizes.


Advantages of the materials:

They don’t decay;

They can’t be damaged by insects;

They don’t contain the variety of volatile elements (the substances that quickly evaporate).

Advantages of the buildings with SIP panels:

Possibility for building at any time of the year;

Fast assembling in construction;

High thermal insulation in small width of the walls;

High durability and strength;

Completeness of any complicated architectural work on low price;

Easy completeness of different decorations;

The house walls, made of OSB planks, are perfectly flat;

SIP panels are relatively light, which reduces the number of the workers and from there – reduces the price.

Life of the house

Speaking of the life of the SIP houses – it is up to 100 years. These long lasting panels are known for their high exploitation qualities – practically the EPS does not age and does not change its geometrical form and dimensions, does not decay and doesn’t let microorganisms and insects to reproduce and develop.

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